Kermit Carraway, Ph.D.

Kermit Carraway

Position Title

  • Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine


  • University of Illinois; Biochemistry, BS 1985
  • Cornell University; Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Ph.D. 1992
  • Harvard Medical School; Signal Transduction, Postdoc 1992-1996

Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Research Interests:

Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Genetic and Developmental Pharmacology, Molecular, Cellular, and Biochemical Toxicology, Cancer biology, Therapeutics

Research Summary:

Research in the lab centers on elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying tumor formation and progression, and developing strategies and agents that could interfere with these processes. We are specifically interested in post-transcriptional regulatory pathways, such as cellular trafficking and degradation of growth factor receptors and disruption of cell polarity pathways, that contribute to cancer malignancy. We use biochemical and cell biological methods to elucidate such pathways in cultured tumor cells, genetically engineered mice to characterize dysregulated tumorigenic pathways in vivo, and drug development and characterization methods to inhibit these pathways.


  • MCB 257 Cell proliferation and cancer gene
  • BCM 410B Medical Cell Biology and Metabolism
  • BCM 410A Medical Biochemistry

Lab Rotation Availability: Yes
Funding Sources: National Institutes of Health, DoD Breast Cancer Research Program, Komen for the Cure
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